

modular course Oct - nov 2024

Rediscover ancestral skills and knowledge for ​modern life on Earth.

Hands-on Permaculture, Living Foods and ​Fermentation, Nature Conection and more.

Abstract Art Deco Logo Icon Design



Module 1: Sat October 12

Module 2: Sat October 26

Module 3: Sat November 9

Module 4: Sat November 23

time: 11.00 - 18.00

Carrascal, Sintra

The farm has direct views of Sintra’s ​forested hills - some of Portugal’s ​lushest. Also of Pena Palace and ​Monserrate, the area’s architectural ​landmarks.

when & where

This modular course will take place two ​Saturdays per month (4 sessions total) on our ​farm in Sintra.


Full course (4x full day workshops): €320

1 Module (= 1x full day workshop) : €80

*price includes lunch, tea/coffee and snack

course content

Through interactive lectures. workshops, and hands on ​sessions, we will dive into:

  • Permaculture ethics and principles
  • Nature’s patterns
  • Living food & fermentation
  • Life systems: soil, forest & water
  • Organic gardening
  • Earth-inspired governance
  • Myth and storytelling

Module 1: Nature’s Patterns

  • Introduction to Permaculture: ​ethics and basic principles
  • Recognising and working with ​the patterns of nature
  • Hands-on work in the Autumn ​veggie garden

Module 2, 3 & 4: Programme TBA

why / what for

Ancient ways for modern days

In the West, we’re painfully separated from nature - ​both inside and outside ourselves. We’ve forgotten the ​basic tools, knowledge, and stories that root us on this ​planet and give us meaning.

We feel this separation in all sorts of ways: inside of us ​as mental distress, and outside of us as degradation ​and destruction.

As our technology advances, we’ve largely forgotten ​nature’s ways, and the simple solutions and practices ​that are increasingly relevant in solving today’s ​problems.

In this course, we will share simple, practical Earth-​based skills, knowledge and perspectives, to bring us ​back to our bodies and to the ground. We’ll empower ​each other to engage with life in a meaningful and ​generative way.

Whether we live in a city flat or a tiny house in the ​middle of nature, the material we’ll cover over six ​sessions can be applied anywhere, at any time, to ​bring positive action and inspiration into our day-to-​day lives.

This course is about coming home, and remembering ​that we play an instrumental role as a part of nature.

By becoming Earth Wise, we reclaim our heritage as ​human beings, ultimately finding purpose and joy.

who we are


I am a mother, homesteader and ​educator with a strong belief that ​our lives should be simple and local.

I hold a degree in Permaculture and ​Sustainable Horticulture, and ​concluded research in ​Anthropogenic Climate Change ​and Eco-Social Design. I’m ​currently finishing an MSc in ​Ecology.

After spending months at sea as an ​ocean conservation activist, I ​turned back to the land in search of ​my own wild nature and a more ​harmonious life. This led

me back to the exploration of ​Permaculture, Food Sovereignty, ​Localisation and Indigenous ​Knowledge, the topics that are now ​the focus of my work and life.


I’m a writer, artist and ​Permaculturist, and I’ve dedicated ​the last five years of my life to ​serving nature through a multi-​disciplinary practice.

After beginning my studies in ​Permaculture in 2020, I have co-​hosted multiple Permaculture ​Design Courses here in Portugal. I ​also regularly run workshops on ​communication skills as well as ​creativity.

With a special interest in Social ​Permaculture, I’m curious about ​how the principles of nature can ​inform our workplaces, ​interpersonal relationships and ​social dynamics - to make them ​more creative, more abundant, and ​more productive.

“The world is alive. It is not ​just the host of life. The ​forests and reefs and ​wetlands are its organs. The ​waters are its blood. The ​soil is its skin. The animals ​are its cells.”

- Charles Eisenstein

register & contact

Register for the course on ​Eventbrite by following the link ​below:

If you have questions, contact ​us by email:

Abstract Art Deco Logo Icon Design

earth WISE

Photo credits:

Ed Dingli

Tim Burkelman